With the list below, we have attempted to be both concise and thorough. This is not an easy task. If you notice that this list is missing critical texts that you find extremely useful and reference constantly, please contact us. Likewise, if you find a text that is more comprehensive than those listed here, please share!
Native Plant CommunitiesThe Natural Communities of Louisiana
by Louisiana Natural Heritage Program of LDWF PropagationPropagation
American Horticultural Society Plant Propagation
by Alan Toogood Growing and Propagating Wildflowers by Harry Phillips Native Trees, Shrubs, and vines: A guide to using, growing, and propagating North American woody plants by William Cullina Essays and PhilosophyA Sand County Almanac
by Aldo Leopold Reading the Landscape of America by May Theilgaard Watts |
GardeningGeaux Native! in Your Louisiana Yard
by Betty Miley; paperback revision of My Yard, emphasizes practical gardening and low-maintenance landscaping My Yard, a Louisiana Gardener's Notebook by Betty Miley; 3-ring binder with ideas for practical landscapes; extensive lists and brief descriptions of native plants; 21 supplements on companions plants, medicinal native plants, other topics |
Plant Identification
Louisiana Wildflower Guide by Charles Allen and Ken Wilson Field Guide to Wildflowers of North America by David M. Brandenburg Peterson Field Guides: Eastern Trees by George A Petrides/Janet Wehr Trees, Shrubs and Wood Vines of Louisiana by Charles Allen East Gulf Coastal Plain Wildflowers by Gil Nelson |
Grasses of Louisiana by Charles Allen Keys to the Flora of Arkansas by Edwin Smith Native Trees of the Southeast by Kirkman Brown and Leopold |
BONAP's North American Plant Atlas
Gives a country wide maps on the distribution of species and higher taxa. Louisiana Native Plant Society Plant Checklist Provides a spreadsheet including records of all plants by parish (based on herbarium specimens). There are a lot of duplicates, one for each county in which the plant occurs, so it is often best to filter by the parish you are in, to see if the species in question occurs in your area. Web Soil Survey Get the low down on soils in your part of town with this neat online map tool. |
USDA Plant Database
Provides a wealth of information on current taxonomy, native/invasive status, Southeastern Flora This is a beautiful website, with hundreds of high quality photographs of southeastern plants. Each species account often contains several photographs of different features, including leaves, inflorescence, stem, etc. and of course gorgeous flowers! This is usually helpful, once you think you know what you have. You can see if everything matches up here. |
Childhood and Nature
by David Sobel Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv Sharing Nature with Children by Joseph Cornell |